Our Approach
The AIRP Fellow positions are designed to provide additional experience for radiologists who have completed their training and an interest in academic radiology is encouraged. Educational, clinical and research activities are emphasized here at the AIRP. The AIRP fellow has the opportunity to review numerous correlated cases submitted to the AIRP by residents attending the Radiologic Pathology Courses. The study of the pathologic basis of abnormal radiologic images is enhanced through review of case material, didactic lectures, and intramural conferences in the AIRP. The length of AIRP fellow is one year. Once completed by AIRP Fellows, the AIRP will award a certificate of completion stating “AIRP Fellow completed one year of training specializing in Musculoskeletal imaging.”
Responsibilities: • The AIRP Fellows duties span every aspect of the departmental and institutional mission. Rotation Sites: • American Institute for Radiologic Pathology: Review AIRP class cases as unknowns
Benefits and Compensation Access to Customized and Dynamic Musculoskeletal Digital Library: Designed for on-demand access via Web, iPad, iPhone, Android, Desktop devices.
The Ideal AIRP MSK Fellow has a robust clinical and research background, and intends to pursue a career as an academic radiologist; yet, by no means does this suggest that any other type of candidate will not be considered.
Online Application
Recruiting Season for 2022 MSK Fellowship Candidates is now open.
We are currently accepting applications for 2021 MSK Fellowship Candidates. Please Click here to apply.
We review all applications and consider several factors when selecting candidates to be interviewed. Interviews for selected candidates begin November 2020.
Our Story
Next Steps...
Please review requirements for this fellowship position on the application landing page prior to establishing an account on our online portal.